Litter G

Born on 12 february 2006
the proud parents are:

Ch. Chat Botté Bob Marley (Dustin)    

 Frisian Foundlers Laila
 Black Silver Tabby Mackerel

Dit was a one time combination!!!

from left to right: Guns 'N Roses, Golden Earring en Genesis.

color: Black Silver Tabby Blotched
sex: Female

color Black Tabby Mackerel
sex: Female

color: Blue Tabby Blotched
sex: Female

On May 14 2006 we went to the NKU Sara show (NL) with this Litter.
They became Best Litter!!!
Golden Earring became nominated for BIS
And Genesis became BIS!!!

Also Guns 'N Roses did very well. She got her U1 and had to take up against her sister (Golden Earring)  for the nominations for BIS! But she lost and her sister (Golden Earring) won! 

For pictures of the show and some more information,  check the showresults of the litter G by clicking on the "showresults" button at the end of this page!

We are very proud of this amazing litter!!!



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