Litter H

Born on 23 oktober 2006
the proud parents are:

EC. Chat Botté Bob Marley (Dustin)    

IC. Joined Forces Romy
 Red Silver Tabby Blotched

from left to right: Hannibal, Hellraiser & Hostel.

Click HERE for the photoalbum of Hannibal, Hellraiser & Hostel.


Creme Silver Tabby Blotched
sex: Male

color Red Silver Tabby Mackerel
sex: Male

color: Blue Silver Tortie Tabby Blotched
sex: Female


Our Halloween has taken her journey to the 
Rainbow-Bridge after her illness.
My sweet little girl, to short you were between us.
But I will see you again some day, behind the Rainbow.




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Alle rights reserved!!!